Monday, September 28, 2009

Conan Watch Out!

First off, welcome to the Let's Just Be Friends blog! As if Josh and I don't have enough outlets for our thoughts, right? Well we don't!

As we have discussed in the last few podcasts, it is becoming increasingly difficult to schedule time where both Josh and I can sit down, prepare for an episode, and then record and edit it. As a result, a lot of material that we intend to discuss becomes dated. Although we are not the staple of professionalism, we still think it is poor podcasting to ruminate on aged issues. Therefore, I thought it would be cool to have a blog where we can convey thoughts in between episodes.

That leads me to the topic of the first blog: Conan busting his head on Friday.

On Friday night, I accessed my DVR and got ready to indulge in my pre-sleep ritual of watching "The Tonight Show" while checking email. The description of the show seemed decent; the guests were Teri Hatcher, Seth MacFarlane, and some latino music group. But when I played the episode, the guests were Jeremy Piven, All American Rejects, and some circus people. I instantly cursed my Motorola cable box along with the equally crappy Verizon cable television service (their internet service is awesome though!) because I expected yet another strange screw up where the DVR information was incorrect. But then other people I spoke to on Saturday said they saw the same episode. I wondered what was going on.

Tonight Conan explained the reason. Apparently he slipped during a bit where he was racing Teri Hatcher and suffered a concussion! They ended up taking him to the hospital and the show did not air. However, tonight they showed the footage of Conan slipping. Holy crap! He nailed his head on the hard surface of the stage. My head was in pain just watching it. But Conan, being the trooper he is, sat up and led the show to the commercial. He's hardcore. Jay Leno probably would have cried. Or died.

The moral of the story? Wear a helmet. Always. And watch "The Tonight Show".

- Your Friendly Neighborhood Podcaster, Ryan


I posted the video of Conan falling in the "Moving Pictures" section. It's a playlist of videos. Check it out!

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