Tuesday, February 16, 2010


The problem with people who think they need to get offended about anything and everything is that somehow they end up getting into positions where they can verbally regurgitate their sentiments to the world. Here are two stories of glorified soapbox abusers. Enjoy.

First off, we have the woman that came pretty close to becoming the vice president of theses United States (shudder), Mrs. Sarah Palin. She just seems to LOVE controversy and getting bent out of shape at the drop of the hat as can be seen by her reaction to the latest episode of Family Guy. In the episode, Chris Griffin goes on a date with a girl who has downs syndrome. When he asks her about what her parents do, she says her mother is the former governor of Alaska. Yeah, that's it. No names mentioned, nothing past that.
But stop the presses and hold all my calls! Family guy makes a crack on a person that uses her family for her own personally gain all the time? HOW DARE THEY! She even uses one of her kids to make a rebuttal. Apparently Bristol (Palin's daughter, you know, the one that got pregnant when she was 17) said. "If the writers of a particularly pathetic cartoon show thought they were being clever in mocking my brother and my family yesterday, they failed". If the Palins are going to complain, why don't they actually complain about the fact that Family Guy had a song about going on a date with a down syndrome girl in that same episode or any other minority/disadvantaged/everyone in the world that they go after on a week to week basis. Two seconds of dialogue where they mention "the former Governor of Alaska" doesn't mean you have to make yourself out to be a martyr.

And our second tale comes to us from this years Winter Olympics. Nate Holland of the US Snowboard team has a problem that he needs to share. The Canadian snowboard team had the gull to show up to the winter games with, dare we say, tighter then usual snowboard pants! “It’s the integrity of the sport. I’m a snowboarder through and through, and boardercross is a freestyle snowboarder’s race. I think it should stay that way.” says Holland about this mockery of snowboard fashion. "I think the problem we have now is the emo look," he told the New York Times, "and people trying to use that as an excuse for wearing tight clothing." He went on to say that the trim pants betray the anti-establishment culture that birthed snowboard cross.
Come on Nate. You are snowboarding for the Olympics. Nations against nations, teams against teams. It's as establishment as you can get. Plus the fact that you have Nike, Microsoft, and Visa endorsements totally kills any kind "anti-establishment" line you can spin. Who gives a crap if another country is wearing slightly tighter pants! Pay attention to your riding and maybe you can actually win a medal this year. And who the hell are you to talk anyway when you are wearing a uniform that is supposed to look like worn out jeans and flannels!

This is Josh Price saying, "Keep your mouth shut you overpaid hacks."

Friday, February 5, 2010

I'm full. No need for seconds...

"We might be persuaded. We'll have to see how much money the movie makes first." These are the words of one James Cameron discussing a SEQUEL(!) and possibly a third installment to Avatar. All I can say is ARE YOU KIDDING ME!
Don't get me wrong, I liked Avatar. But first off, I feel that the add campaign lied to me when it said that it would change the way that I watch movies. It had an OK story and yes the effects were really good. But it was still a full of lame one liners and political overtones, not to mention the 3 hours it filled that could have been done in less then two.
But does the success that this movie has seen mean that we need to bleed this monster dry? I thought it ended on a good point. Nothing was really left open, everything was answered. It was done. So why possibly butcher the first movie by making a second or third addition? Why is it that when something makes some money, they have to run it into the ground.
And as for the quote that I put at the outset of this post, is it just me or does that sound incredibly condescending? I can't tell what he's trying to say. I am sure that Mr. Cameron knows full well that this movie has already made more then 2 BILLION dollars. "Persuaded"? "Makes enough money"? What do you want James? And he is also "meetings with technology whizzes to see how they can push the boundaries of film making even further". Maybe spend a little more time polishing your script BEFORE you rely on the spectacle of your visual effects.

This is Josh Price for Let's Just Be Friends

Moving Pictures