Friday, February 5, 2010

I'm full. No need for seconds...

"We might be persuaded. We'll have to see how much money the movie makes first." These are the words of one James Cameron discussing a SEQUEL(!) and possibly a third installment to Avatar. All I can say is ARE YOU KIDDING ME!
Don't get me wrong, I liked Avatar. But first off, I feel that the add campaign lied to me when it said that it would change the way that I watch movies. It had an OK story and yes the effects were really good. But it was still a full of lame one liners and political overtones, not to mention the 3 hours it filled that could have been done in less then two.
But does the success that this movie has seen mean that we need to bleed this monster dry? I thought it ended on a good point. Nothing was really left open, everything was answered. It was done. So why possibly butcher the first movie by making a second or third addition? Why is it that when something makes some money, they have to run it into the ground.
And as for the quote that I put at the outset of this post, is it just me or does that sound incredibly condescending? I can't tell what he's trying to say. I am sure that Mr. Cameron knows full well that this movie has already made more then 2 BILLION dollars. "Persuaded"? "Makes enough money"? What do you want James? And he is also "meetings with technology whizzes to see how they can push the boundaries of film making even further". Maybe spend a little more time polishing your script BEFORE you rely on the spectacle of your visual effects.

This is Josh Price for Let's Just Be Friends

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