Saturday, October 10, 2009

Oh yeah, well I hate U2...

I don't really HATE U2, I just think that their work here on Earth is done. To me they have gone from making good music to just making whatever they can to get a paycheck.
But I digress, this isn't the rant I was planning on making although it does apply. If you live in the greater Tampa Bay area, you probably know that U2 came and played at the Raymond James Stadium the other night. It was expected that 70,000 people would attend. Is it just me, or does that figure make you want to throw up a little in your mouth. The biggest shows I've been to were Weezer and Deftones at the USF Sundome which at full capacity is only 11,4oo and even those events I felt so disconnected from the bands that it took away from the show. My philosophy on large concerts is that if they have to put the concert up on a gigantic movie screen above the stage, then I'll just watch it at home where I don't have to deal with 69,999 sweaty, drunk kids that paid way to much to be that far away from the band.
But don't get me wrong, if you want to go see your favorite band from a mile away and are content with that, more power to ya. Like I said, it just seems like if I pay the 30-150 bucks to see a band, I want to be able to see them at least somewhat clearly without the aid of a 15 foot monitor looming above me like the Eye of Sauron.
So thanks U2 for the clogging up traffic and entertaining the masses. Enjoy the US.

This is has been another installment of "Too Much for Too Little". Josh Price

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